Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feliz Natal

It's been a few days since I last posted so I figured I'd catch everyone up on past events.

Christmas - as you can see by the picture on the left - was pretty fantastic. Most brasileiros celebrate Natal on the 24th and stay up until midnight to give out presents. So on the 24th I ate and ate and ate (No presents though). Typical food is turkey, rice, farofa - a fried flour type thing with a little bit of meat, potato salad, chicken salad, habanada - similar to french toast with cinnamon and sugar, rice and carrots, fruit and sangria.

Thursday night was pretty laid back, I watched part of a movie and went to bed.

Christmas day was less eventful: The streets were nearly empty, most people were at home with their families and I was painting walls. Oh and I called my mom to say Merry Christmas, as well as both sides of my families during their respective holiday meals. It was great to hear everyone's voice and I realized it was the first Christmas in my 23 years of life that I haven't been with my family. I am, however, already planning a barbecue for the spring so I can still see the fam.

That night we went out to a club in Botafogo which was fantastic. It's odd, I have never really been part of the club scene in the states, but there is something really enjoyable about it. I tend to avoid crowds, but when people are together for the purpose of having fun and dancing and when you're out with a good group of people it's just fun.

Anyway, Saturday night was similar to Friday, out to a club, but in Lapa (Botafogo and Lapa are neighborhoods in Rio, much like Fishtown in Philly) and home to sleep. And today, I'm going to the beach and coming home early to sleep.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh: Are you going to prepare a spread like that for our family barbecue? Did you meet anyone who can show you how to make the dishes?


